Make a Loan Payment

Please read and acknowledge acceptance before proceeding.

  1. Always verify your loan payment amount and your loan number for accuracy prior to submitting a payment.
  2. A payment submitted to an incorrect loan number will be refunded back to the card number provided for payment.
  3. If a full loan payment amount is not submitted with your payment, it will be considered a partial payment and will be subject to a late fee according to your loan agreement.
  4. If you are using this payment method to make a payment that is not currently due, this payment amount will not be applied to your next regular payment. Instead, this payment amount will be applied to any loan interest due, and then the remainder of the payment amount will be applied to your loan principal. Your next scheduled payment will still be due at its normal due date.
  5. If you are submitting a payment amount that is in excess of the payment amount currently due, the excess amount will be applied to your loan principal.
  6. All payments made through this online payment portal after 4 p.m. EST (Monday-Friday) will be processed on the next business day.
  7. A 3.50% non-refundable Service Fee, based on transaction amount, will be applied to all payments made through this online payment portal.
  8. If this is your FINAL loan payment, please contact a Relationship Banker during regular business hours at 276-873-7000, or visit your local branch. Please do not process a FINAL loan payment through this online payment portal.
  9. If a loan payment is submitted on an unauthorized card, the transaction will be reversed and the loan account owner(s) will still be liable for payment.
  10. Payments should only be made using a Debit Card, identifiable by a VISA, MasterCard or DISCOVER symbol and the word DEBIT printed on the front of the card.
By clicking "Continue to Payment Page" link below, you are verifying that you have read, understand, and acknowledge acceptance of the above statements, and that you are an authorized user of the Debit Card being provided for this loan payment.
If you experience problems in accessing the following link, and are using Internet Explorer, please use a different browser, e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc. Internet Explorer is not compatible.

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